Dog Training

Cooper's Trick Dog Novice and Intermediate titles

Once upon a time, in the heart of San Francisco, there lived a woman named Natalia. A designer by profession, she had always found solace in her precise prototypes and consistent component libraries. But as intricate and fulfilling as her work was, she felt an emptiness that her engaging interfaces could not fill. That was until the day she adopted Cooper, a sprightly Yorkie girl with gleaming eyes that sparkled with mischief and innocence.

In the ensuing months, Natalia discovered her new love - dog training. Training Cooper became more than a hobby. It was a passion. Natalia spent countless hours studying dog-training books, watching instructional videos, and partaking in dog-training classes.

Not only was it a way for her to spend more quality time with Cooper, but it also gave her a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, an escape from the occasional stress of her profession.*

*AI-generated story based on real-life events

AKC Trick Dog Novice

Cooper performs 10 skills from the AKC Trick Dog Novice list.

AKC Trick Dog Intermediate

Dog must have the Novice title, plus perform 10 Intermediate tricks. 


Dog agility is a sport where you direct your dog through a pre-set obstacle course within a certain time limit.

Your dog is doing the best it can with the information you are providing